
Josh Best

Director of Training

Quicken Loans

I support an amazing team of dedicated people experts who use their deep understanding of development and the mortgage world to design and deploy amazing training for our team members, leaders, and partners. I believe in teaching through doing, so be prepared for a lively, active, and engaging session that will leave you with tangible tools to facilitate real behavior change! I have a background in team dynamics built over my 20 years working with people from all walks of life. This has helped me develop a deep passion for finding what has a person or team “stuck” and helping them discover how to address those behaviors is constructive ways. My family is what drives me. My wife and I have two amazing boys, Merrick and Brooks. I love woodworking, soccer, and delicious food and do everything I can to share these passions with my boys every day!

Kris Boesch

Founder & CEO

Choose People

Kris Boesch is the CEO and Founder of Choose People, a company that transforms company cultures, increases employee happiness and boosts the bottom-line. The Choose People 360° Culture Audit is based on over 1000 hours of research conducted with the Industrial Organizational Psychology Department at Colorado State University. She is also the author of Culture Works: How to Create Happiness in the Workplace. Prior to Choose People, Boesch was the CEO of Exodus Moving & Storage. Under her leadership Exodus became the largest mover in Northern Colorado with a turnover rate nearly 40% less than the industry average and a bottom line twice that same average. Kris has been featured as a workplace culture expert in Inc., Entrepreneur and Forbes and was recently named one of the “Top 100 Leadership Speakers” in Inc. She is also a proud mother, a dancing diva and a dog lover.

Leslie Fiorenzo

Leadership Coach and Founder

Coach with Leslie, LLC

Leslie Fiorenzo is a former HR professional turned performance coach. A dynamic speaker and trainer with over 30 years of experience helping employers solve their trickiest people problems. Formerly the Director at Employee Assistance Center, Leslie founded her own coaching/training practice in 2019, delivering a focused message to help individuals and teams build trust, reduce conflict, and enhance workplace relationships.
Leslie holds the following certifications:
5 in 5 Performance Coach with IPV Consulting
Conversational Management™
Thera-Rising: Drama Free Workplace – Avoiding Self-Defeating Habits of Otherwise
Brilliant People® and The Conflict Savvy Leader
DISC based learning tools
Leslie holds a master’s degree in Human Resource Development from Western Michigan University.
She is the author of Twenty-One Lessons for Mastering the Difficult Conversation available on Amazon and online course The 3P’s to Mastering the Difficult Conversation available from ‘Nspired ecademy. She lives in greater Grand Rapids MI area.

Tracy Stock

CSP, Keynote Speaker, Best-Selling Author

Achieve Positive Outcomes

TRACY STOCK is one of the most in-demand and top-rated female speakers in North America today because of her ability to inspire behavior change and achieve positive outcomes. She proudly holds the designation of Certified Speaking Professional® (CSP), the highest honor in her profession, held by only 12 percent of speakers worldwide. As a former director of learning and development, Tracy was accountable for talent management and employee development, and parlayed her career to become a workplace culture expert and a best-selling author—now with five published titles. With 20+ years of speaking experience, a few of her trusted clients include the U.S. Army, Motorola, True Value, US Bank and Subway, to name a few. As an engaging and interactive speaker of choice, Tracy is committed to helping energize workplace culture, enhance employee engagement and empower high performance.

Tom Willis

Co-Founder & Partner

Phoenix Performance Partners

Tom believes we are all born with unlimited potential. As a former classroom teacher, he also believes in the power of lifelong learning. These beliefs have shaped his primary goal in life: helping others uncover their talents so they can reach their potential. Prior to joining Phoenix, he had the great honor of serving as; CEO for Cornerstone; a consultant with PricewaterhouseCoopers; and an engineer with the Intel Corporation. Along the way, he was fortunate to earn degrees from the University of Michigan and the University of Notre Dame (MBA). He thanks God every day for his amazing wife and three wonderful children.

Brad Zimmerman

Co-Founder & Partner

Phoenix Performance Partners

Brad believes there is unlimited potential in the human spirit, and that we all adopt beliefs that can limit our potential. Gaining access to this potential unleashes personal and organizational growth. Zimmerman turned to organizational coaching more than 25 years ago following a successful career in sales and operations. Today, he helps businesses, nonprofits and other organizations develop cultures that transform work environments so people grow and the organizations thrive.